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Writer's pictureBrianna McAcy

T-Shirt Designs

Howdy Y'all! So, I’m a High School Senior. My entire Digital Media class is. So for an assignment, we got to design shirt concepts.


So at first, I was going simple. Most graphic shirts I wear just have a sentence long insult on them. However, I had an idea. 💡 So I sketched it on an iPad.

After this, I entered Illustrator (as usual). Step one, make a laptop. I used the same trapezoid shape to make a laptop and the keyboard in it. Step two, add the rays of light coming from it. This was my first time using the pen tool. Lemme tell ya, not fun. Step three, add the Photoshop and Illustrator icons. I begrudgingly had to use the pen tool, again. I added basic tools like the (evil)pen tool, paint bucket, arrow, etcetera. Step four, cut an outline around each icon so it doesn’t touch the rays or laptop. Mr. Growl helped me on this part, and I learned so much more about the Pathfinder tool.

For the back of the shirt, I had everyone sign

their name on an iPad so I could arrange them on the back.


Overall, I like my design. I learned a lot with this one. Although the colors aren’t final, the design looks amazing.

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